Rahaf Mohammed Mutlaq Alqunun is an 18-year-old Saudi girl who was flying en-route from Kuwait to Australia when officials in Thailand questioned her situation.
Her story made headlines after going viral on social media. She wants asylum in Australia because she says her family will kill her if she returns home. The reason she says they will kill her is because she has renounced Islam.
I do not doubt for a moment that this is the case because I am familiar with the Islamic texts. I am aware that for devout Muslims especially, this is what is expected of them and in many cases, this punishment will be carried out.
There are recent cases where the Australian government has intervened when young Islamic women were being sent back to Islamic countries. Our Government accepted that they were expected to be killed – because they had become pregnant or had renounced Islam.

and Saudi Arabian diplomatic staff confiscated her passport on arrival at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport.
I personally have met a woman who was involved with helping some of these girls.
There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and many of them are in a similar situation. It is not remotely feasible or desirable to help them all by extending asylum to them in Australia.
What the Australian Government can do however, is to stop lying to cover for this evil ideology. Why are our leaders pretending that Islam is a religion of peace? Why are they lying to the World and saying that these practices have nothing to do with Islam? Why are they pretending that “radical” Muslims have misinterpreted these texts?
Islamic doctrine clearly states that if a Muslim leaves their religion that they should be killed. This is not “radical” Islam. This is plain and simple Islam which is interpreted as such by the great majority of mainstream Islamic scholars.
Recent surveys, as well as recent experience, have shown that this is a commonly supported view amongst the Islamic community as well.
Even the friendly ones who live next door to you who are prepared to commit honour killings in the name of their religion or God. Afshan Azad, the actress who played Padma Patil in the Harry Potter series grew up in Manchester UK.
Her Father and Brother were charged with trying to kill her after she was found to be dating a Hindu.
One of my staffers spoke with a father whose daughter was dating a Muslim boy. He said he was shocked when the young chap began crying one evening when they entertained him for dinner.
He said, “you Australians are so friendly to us but we would never treat your daughter like you treat me”. When questioned he admitted that if his Islamic religious superiors said he should kill his wife, he would not argue and would kill her.
I believe in the Aussie “Fair go” mentality but it is time to face up to the fact, that there are facets of the Islamic religion which are literally poisonous.
Many Muslims are ignorant of the darker aspects of their religion. They are living in denial and cling to the notion that Islam is a good and benevolent religion at heart. Our Government is facilitating this dangerous and destructive belief by constantly pandering to this delusion. It is long past time that our Government demand that Islamic scholars publicly justify what is in their Holy Books and what interpretations are widely accepted.
I strongly believe that once Muslims understand the full horror of the agenda of Islam, that they will desert this religion in droves. Once that happens, innocent girls like Rahaf Mohammed and Afshan Azad can once more expect their fathers and brothers to love them and not want to brutally murder them.
The current policies of The Greens, The ALP and the Coalition will increase Australia’s Muslim population from 2% at present, to 10% or more in coming decades (as the French Government has). Apart from an almost certain increase in the number of terrorist attacks, we will have a lot more of our daughters marrying Muslims. This will subject them to the very real risk of being injured or killed.
I believe that the time has come for the Australian Government to hold a plebiscite on who comes to this country.
In my view we should keep out anyone who follows a religion which encourages fathers to kill its daughters when they deviate from total submission.
Good on you Rahaf Mohammed Mutlaq Alqunun for not being brainwashed and trying for a better life. I wish you well.
Senator Fraser Anning
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